Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear All,

For no apparent reason I've just registered the domain name "untetheredminds.com".

Not entirely sure what to do with it, but my *initial* idea is to turn it into some sort of "article testing ground" - i.e. somewhere you can write an article or short piece "as if" for a newspaper or magazine - or just splurge some thoughts out onto the internet, but written as if for a "lay-reader" i.e. someone who doesn't know you - you have to write from "scratch" - i.e. a "piece". Beyond that there are no rules whatsoever and I'd love you to just write whatever - as a rolling, slower facebook for people who can manage to write more than 255 characters of text because a) they can write b) they've got more to say c) want to talk about other things than going to the pub, colds, children, toilet-trips, work or an ordinary holiday etc...

The (suggested) rules will be as follows:

1. Everybody will be anonymous and write under a pseudonym
2. Anyone who writes an article will then be able to post to other writers directly - i.e. maintain anonymity if desired, *or* bypass it, if the parties want to
3. As site-owner I will exert *no* control - and accept no responsibility - over what is written. Copyright and ownership of any text will remain with the person who wrote the piece.
4. Absolutely *anything* is up for discussion. Any article can only be criticized or commented-on, on its content - not on its topic, appropriateness or style
5. Any article can be edited or deleted by the author at any time if their situation demands - if you are talking about your current employer best practice is not to name them directly
6. No other rules

Having said that - I will start posting...
